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Meaning of Life: Too many words, Not enough actions Five Things I Can't Live Without: Smile + Laugh +meals+Air+pets Favorite Movies: If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Back In time!!!!In The '70s were a fun time to grow up. It was a simpler life and easier in many ways to spent more time together as a family and led less busy lives. Hobbies: Play with my dog and care about him 🐾 I love nature and have walks in this kind of enviroment Perfect Mate: To be yourself in a word that is constantly try

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Meaning of Life: Too many words, Not enough actions Five Things I Can't Live Without: Smile + Laugh +meals+Air+pets Favorite Movies: If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Back In time!!!!In The '70s were a fun time to grow up. It was a simpler life and easier in many ways to spent more time together as a family and led less busy lives. Hobbies: Play with my dog and care about him 🐾 I love nature and have walks in this kind of enviroment Perfect Mate: To be yourself in a word that is constantly try
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